Verbreitung / Distribution: ssp. dispar: Mauritania, Sudan, Chad (Tibesti and Ennedi Mountains)
ssp. flavifasciata: Western Sahara south of 28° northern latitude, Mauritania, SW Algeria
ssp. maliensis: NW Mali, SW Algeria
Type locality:
ssp. dispar: Wüste bei Ambucol und Dongala, Nubien (= Sudan (Jumhūriyyat))
ssp. flavifasciata: approx. 50 km north of Dakar, Senegal (For the reliability of the type locality see BÖHME 1978)
ssp. maliensis: Mali, 40 south-east of Goa
Trivialname / Common name: E: Sudan Mastigure
G: Südsaharische Dornschwanzagame