Anolis lineatopus GRAY, 1840

Unterarten / Subspecies:
Anolis lineatopus lineatopus GRAY 1840
Anolis lineatopus ahenobarbus UNDERWOOD & WILLIAMS 1959
Anolis lineatopus merope UNDERWOOD & WILLIAMS 1959
Anolis lineatopus neckeri GRANT 1940

Verbreitung / Distribution:
ssp. lineatopus: roughly the southern third of Jamaica, from St. Elizabeth Parish east to St. Thomas Parish. Populations intermediate between 2, 3, or 4 of the subspecies that occur in eastern Jamaica, west and southwest of Buff Bay. Elsewhere, subspecies appear to interdigitate extensively or overlap; the relationships between the subspecies need to be clarified
ssp. ahenobarbus: extreme eastern Jamaica
ssp. merope: the northern marginal region of Jamaica; Cabarita I. off Port Maria
ssp. neckeri: along east-west axis of Jamaica, from Hanover and Westmoreland parishes east into St. Catherine Parish; delineation of the ranges of the subspecies is tentative

Type locality:

Trivialname / Common name:
E: Stripe-footed Anole, Stripefoot Anole
G: Strichfuss-Anolis

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