Anolis ginaelisae (LOTZKAT, HERTZ, BIENENTREU & KÖHLER, 2013)

Verbreitung / Distribution:
W Panama

Type locality:
Banks of Quebrada Juglí (Fig. 19F in LOTZKAT et al. 2013) on the southeastern slope of Cerro Saguí (also known as Cerro Ratón; locality 11 in Fig. 1) at Finca Alto Cedro, about 2 km north-northeast of the village Ratón, 8.5576°N, 81.8262°W, 1710 m asl, Corregimiento de Piedra Roja, Distrito de Kankintú, Comarca Ngöbe-Buglé, Panama

Trivialname / Common name:
G: Kankintú-Anolis

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