Anolis carolinensis VOIGT, 1832

Verbreitung / Distribution:
USA (E Texas, SE Oklahoma, S Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, SE Tennessee, SE Virginia), Mexico (incl. Tamaulipas),
Bahamas, Grand Cayman Islands (HR 33: 321), Anguilla (HR 32: 118), Cuba (Wegener et al. 2019)
Introduced to Hawaii (fide MCKEOWN 1996) and California.
Introduced to Japan (Chichizima Is. and Hahazima Is. of Ogasawara Islands.And Okinawazima Is.) (Mayer & Lazell 2021)
Introduced to Micronesia and Guam (G. Rodda, pers. comm., 13 March 2016). May have been introduced to Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (M. Lopez-Darias, Anole Annals July 20, 2016, Stroud et al. 2016). Introduced to Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan), fide Hileman et al. 2020

Type locality:

Trivialname / Common name:
E: North American Green Anole, Green anole
G: Rotkehlanolis

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