Unterarten / Subspecies:
Phrynocephalus helioscopus helioscopus PALLAS 1773
Phrynocephalus helioscopus cameranoi BEDRIAGA 1907
Phrynocephalus helioscopus meridionalis DUNAYEV, SOLOVYEVA & POYARKOV 2012
Phrynocephalus helioscopus saidalievi SATTOROV 1981
Phrynocephalus helioscopus sergeevi DUNAYEV, SOLOVYEVA & POYARKOV 2012
Phrynocephalus helioscopus turcomanus DUNAYEV, SOLOVYEVA & POYARKOV 2012
Phrynocephalus helioscopus varius EICHWALD 1831
Verbreitung / Distribution:
E Kazakhstan, S Russia (Astrakhan Oblast and Volgograd Oblast), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, NW China (W Xinjiang), NW Mongolia, NE Iran
ssp. helioscopus: Iran etc.
ssp. cameranoi: E Kazakhstan
ssp. meridionalis: S Uzbekistan: southern part of Bukhara region and Surkhandarya region; Eastern Turkmenistan: foothills of Kugitang ridge in Lebap velayat (previously Chardzhou region). Probably, this subspecies penetrates to the north of Afghanistan (environs of Baglan settlement near Kunduz river № 1503 10909 IZANU)
ssp. saidalievi: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (Ferghana Valley)
ssp. sergeevi: Uzbekistan: NE Bukhara region, Navoi region. In the south, perhaps, live together with Ph. h. meridionalis: minimal distance between populations of Ph. h. sergeevi and Ph. h. meridionalis is 200 km. It is not excluded that individuals of Ph. h. sergeevi penetrate the northern foothills to the territory of the Uzbek and Tajik parts of the Ferghana Valley (to the Asht settl.)
ssp. turcomanus: Western Turkmenistan, adjacent areas of North-Eastern Iran (most likely, the area is limited to the Kopet Dagh) and, possibly, Western Afghanistan (it is not excluded, that sunwatcher toad-headed agamas from Afghanistan belong to Ph. h. meridionalis)
ssp. varius: from Eastern Kazakhstan through Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China to western Mongolia
Type locality:
ssp. helioscopus: "in deserti australioris collibus ardentissimis"; restricted to the "Inderskija Gory, Gebiet des unteren Uralflusses" [North Kazakhstan] by Mertens & Müller (1928: 26)
ssp. cameranoi: “Кульджа” [= Kuldja]
ssp. meridionalis: Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya region, N Aktash settl. (on the road to Pashkhurt settl.); foothills of Kugitang ridge (37°34.785′ N, 66°39.906′ E), altitude 609 m elevation
ssp. saidalievi: "vicinity of the Kanibadam village (Tajik part of the Fergana Valley)" [= Konibodom village, approximately 40º17' N, 70º25' E, Tajikistan]
ssp. sergeevi: Uzbekistan, Navoi region, NE Tamdytau mts., ~40 km NE Zaravshan; between Tamdybulak and Yangitamdy (= Azhyrykty); 41°42′7.10′′ N, 64°02′0.01′′ E, altitude 330 m above sea level
ssp. turcomanus: Turkmenistan, Balkan velayat, environs of Krasnovodsk [= Turkmenbashi](40°01′00′′ E, 52°58′00′′ N, 2730 m elevation)
ssp. varius: "Hab. in Sibiria australi, versus montes Altaicos"
Trivialname / Common name:
E: Sunwatcher Toadhead Agama
G: Sonnengucker

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