Literatur und Schriften
ANDERSON, S.C. (1999): Trapelus Cuvier, 1816; T. agilis (Olivier, 1804); T. persicus (Blanford, 1881); T. ruderatus (Olivier, 1804) - In: Lizards of Iran. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Oxford, Ohio: 99-110. BLANFORD, W.T. (1876): On some lizards from Sind, with descriptions of new species of Ptyodactylus, Stenodactylus and Trapelus. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 45 (2): 18-26. CUVIER, G. (1817): Description of the Genus Trapelus In: Le Règne Animal… Tome II. Déterville, Paris. FATHINIA, B. & N. RASTEGAR-POUYANI (2011): Sexual dimorphism in Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus (Sauria: Agamidae) with notes on the natural history. - Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 5 (1): 15-22. RASTEGAR-POUYANI, N. (1998): Systematics and distribution of the Iranian species of Trapelus (Sauria: Agamidae) a review. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 5: 127-146. RASTEGAR-POUYANI, E., RASTEGAR-POUYANI, N., JOGER, U. & M. WINK (2010): Molecular phylogeny and intraspecific differentiation of the Iranian and Central Asian species in the genus Trapelus (Sauria: Agamidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Abstracts of the Second International Symposium on Agamid Lizards «DeAgamis2». - Current Studies in Herpetology, 10 (3/4): 152-153. VESELÝ, M. & D. MODRY (2002): Rain-harvesting behavior in agamid lizards (Trapelus). J. Herpetol., 36 (2): 311-314.
Steppenagame / Brilliant Ground Agama ABEL, E. (1952): Zur Biologie von Agama agilis Ol. und Agama ruderata Ol. Zool. Anz., 149: 125-133. ANDERSON, S.C. (1999): Trapelus Cuvier, 1816; T. agilis (Olivier, 1804); T. persicus (Blanford, 1881); T. ruderatus (Olivier, 1804) - In: Lizards of Iran. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Oxford, Ohio: 99-110. BHATNAGAR, C., MEENA, S.S. & V.N. PANDEY (2012): Habitat preference of Trapelus agilis OLIVIER in Thar Desert of Jaisalmer, India. - Russ. J. Herp. 19 (3): 207-211. Preference in habitat selection by Trapelus agilis Olivier has been studied in nearby area of Amar sagar village and Garhisar Lake catchments area of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. It has been observed that female of Agama agilis Olivier always lives in burrow. Most of the burrows remain covered by the shrubs of Capparis decidua (KER), Euphorbia (THOR), Salvadora oleoides (JAL), and Leptadaenia (KHEEP). Males never dig burrows and remain hidden under the stones, between the stones, cervices of stones and sometime in the burrow of female of agama, other lizards and rodents for short time. It has been concluded that the habitat selection and preference in Trapelus agilis depends on the local environment, sex, body size, morphology and feeding habit. We report sightings of the agamid lizard Trapelus agilis (Olivier, 1804) commonly known as the Brilliant Ground Agama, from the state of Gujarat in India. Trapelus agilis is known to be present in the state of Rajasthan from India, but its presence in Gujarat had not been confirmed due to absence of substantial records beside one old record from 1880s. We report sightings of T. agilis on two separate occasions in the years 2014 and 2015 from the region of Banni grasslands in Kachchh district of Gujarat. The observations and the nature of the habitat are described in detail. These recent sightings prompt for a systematic survey of T. agilis in the Kachchh landscape in India. Allozyme variation is examined in eight populations of Trapelus from the Caspian-Aral Basin of the former USSR. Thirty one loci (15 variable) exhibit remarkably low levels of genetic variation with only a Nei's genetic distance of 0.117 across 2500 km. An isolated population on the European side of the Caspian Sea is found to phenetically cluster inside the Asian populations examined, suggesting that it should not be considered taxonomically distinct. Allozyme variation is examined in eight populations of Trapelus from the Caspian-Aral Basin of the former USSR. Thirty one loci (15 variable) exhibit remarkably low levels of genetic variation with only a Nei's genetic distance of 0.117 across 2500 km. An isolated population on the European side of the Caspian Sea is found to phenetically cluster inside the Asian populations examined, suggesting that it should not be considered taxonomically distinct. Kurzfassung: In order to investigate the patterns of sexual dimorphism in Trapelus agilis (Olivier, 1807) from Tabas region, northeastern Iran, we collected 24 samples (15 males and 9 females) and 17 characters including 13 morphometric and 4 meristic were examined. The results show that males and females are different significantly in six morphometric and one meristic character which cause differences in body, tail and head shape. In addition, the differences can be seen in color pattern and the presence of callose preanal scales and preanal pores. We discuss the differences in shape, size and color pattern in relation to differences in habitat use and their role in reproductive processes.
AL-SADOON, M.K., PARAY, B.A. & H.S. AL-OTAIBI (2016): Survey of the reptilian fauna of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. V. The lizard fauna of Turaif region. - Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (2016), j.sjbs.2016.04.005. AMR, Z.S.S. & A.M.H. AL JOHANY (2012): Trapelus agnetae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T203802A2771528. CUNNINGHAM, P.L. (2008): Trapelus pallidus agnetae (Werner, 1929) Pale Agama. Distribution. Afr. Herp News, 45: 18-20.
EL BOUHISSI, M., SEDDIKI, F. & A. CHEDADE (2022): Trapelus boehmei Wagner, Melville, Wilms & Schmitz, 2011 (Squamata: Agamidae): New locality in the Southwest of Algeria. - Alger. J. Biosciences 3 (2): 85-90. Trapelus boehmei (Squamata: Agamidae) is distributed on the High Plateau of North Algeria, from M’sila to Naâma and Tlemcen-south. An uncertain presence noted from El Tarf to Batna and Tebessa in Northeast of Algeria. In this note, a new locality of this species at Tindouf region of Southwest of Algeria.
Yellow-spotted Agama ANDERSON, J. (1896): Description of Trapelus jayakari. In: “A Contribution to the Herpetology of Arabia, with a preliminary list of the reptiles and batrachians of Egypt”. London, R. H. Porter, 124 pp. ANDERSON, S. (2012): Trapelus jayakari. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T176221A1436072. EID, E.K.A., SOORAE, P., AMR, Z.S.S., ELS, J. & A.M.H. AL JOHANY (2012): Trapelus flavimaculatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T198524A2529732. RÜPPELL, E. (1835): Description of Trapelus flavimaculatus In: Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig Amphibien. Frankfurt am Main, 1835.
Afghan Ground Agama GÜNTHER, A. (1864): Description of Trapelus megalonyx. - In “The Reptiles of British India”. London (Taylor & Francis), xxvii + 452 pp.
Desert Agama ALI-SHTAYEH, M.S. & A.K. HAMAD (1997): Biodiversity in Palestine: West Bank and Gaza Strip. In: Proceedings of the Arab experts meeting on biodiversity in the Arab world. (ed. ACSAD: The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (Damascus) and the Technical Secretary of the League of the Arab States (Cairo). 1-5 October 1995, Cairo, Egypt. ACSAD/AS/P171/1997. Damascus. p. 469-529. ALTMANN, H. (1966): Emil, meine Wüstenagame. Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift, Stuttgart, 19 (5): 154-155. BÖHME, W. (1970): Extreme Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung bei einer Wüstenagame (Agama mutabilis Merrem, 1820). Aqua terra, 7: 78-79. BRADSHAW, D., BRADSHAW, J. & F. LACHIVER (1976): Quelques observations sur l'écophysiologie d'Agama mutabilis Merren, dans le sud tunision. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 282D (1): 93-96. GOLDBERG, S.R. (2013): Natural history notes: Trapelus mutabilis (Desert Agama). Reproduction. Herpetol. Rev., 44 (1): 149-150. LEMIRE, M. & C. GRENOT (1973): La structure nasale du lizard saharien Agama mutabilis Merrem (Agamidae). Comptes r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris (Sér. D), 277 (24): 2719-2722. LEMIRE, M. & C. GRENOT (1974): Dévelopment et structure de la glande ´à sels´ dulézard saharien Agama mutabilis Merrem (Agamidae). Comptes r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris (Sér. D), 278 (1): 61-64. MERREM, B. (1820): Description of Trapelus mutabilis. - In: Versuch eines Systems der Amphibien. Marburg, 1820. MÜLLER, H.-D. (2000): Selten im Terrarium: Die Wüstenagame Trapelus mutabilis (MERREM, 1820). Reptilia, Münster, 5 (1): 68-72. SCHLEICH, H.-H., KÄSTLE, W. & K. KABISCH (1996): Trapelus mutabilis (Merrem, 1820). In: Amphibians and Reptiles of North Africa. Koeltz, Koenigstein. TOFOHR, O. (1903): Die Wüsten-Agame im Terrarium. - Blätter für Aquarien und Terrarien-Kunde 14 (4) : 51-53. WAGNER et al. (2011):Opening a box of cryptic taxa the first review of the North African desert lizards in the Trapelus mutabilis Merrem, 1820 complex (Squamata: Agamidae) with descriptions of new taxa WRANGEL, R. (1994): Haltung und Nachzucht der Wüstenagame Trapelus mutabilis (MERREM, 1820) sowie einige Freilandbeobachtungen in Tunesien. herpetofauna, Weinstadt, 16 (88): 17-23. ZADA, S. (1981): The Fully Formed Chondrocranium of the Agamid Lizard, Agama pallida. J. Morph. 170: 43-54.Major features of interest in the mature chondrocranium of Agama pallida are striking curvature of the nasal region, lack of the paranasal cartilage and concha nasalis, and presence of a cartilaginous roof over Jacobson's organ. In addition, the course of the ethmoid nerve deviates from the normal lacertilian pattern; there is no foramen epiphaniale, and the temporal region is reduced. The prefacial commissure and facial foramen lie in front of the cochlear portion of the auditory capsule, whereas the prominentia semicircularis anterior is separated from the rest of the otic capsule. Several chondrocranial characters are suggested to be unique to the agamids. Trapelus mutabilis mutabilis MERREM, 1820 Trapelus mutabilis pallidus (REUSS 1834) ABO-TAIRA, A.M., ZAHER, M.M. & F.M. AL-BALDRY (1995): Morphometric characterization of the alimentary tract of Agama pallida and Agama stellio (Reptilia, Agamidae). Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology, 17 ©: 125-159. ABO-TAIRA, A.M., ZAHER, M.M. & F.M. AL-BALDRY (1996): Sex and species determination based on external morphological characters in Agama pallida and Agama stellio. Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology, 21 (B): 259-279. ABU-GHALYUN, Y. (1995): Histochemistry, capillarization, and mitochondrial densities of muscle fibers isolated from the iliofibularis muscle of Agama pallida. Israel Journal of Zoology, 41 (2): 193-204. AL-YOUSIF, M. & T. AL-SHAWA (1997): Isopora acanthodactyli, new species from Acanthodactylus schmidti with a new geographical record for I. deserti from Agama pallida (Finkelman and Paperna, 1994) in Saudi Arabia. Pak. J. Zool., 29: 219-223. ALI-SHTAYEH, M.S. & A.K. HAMAD (1997): Biodiversity in Palestine: West Bank and Gaza Strip. In: Proceedings of the Arab experts meeting on biodiversity in the Arab world. (ed. ACSAD: The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (Damascus) and the Technical Secretary of the League of the Arab States (Cairo). 1-5 October 1995, Cairo, Egypt. ACSAD/AS/P171/1997. Damascus. p. 469-529. HERREL, A., JAMES, R.S. & R. VAN DAMME (2007): Fight versus flight: physiological basis for temperature-dependent behavioral shifts in lizards. J. Exp. Biol., 210 (10): 1762-1767. Previous studies have demonstrated that a behavioral shift from flight to aggressive behavior occurs at low temperatures in some lizards. Our data for the agamid lizard Trapelus pallida demonstrate how the effect of temperature on whole organism performance traits such as sprint speed (much lower performance at lower temperature) and bite force (largely independent of temperature) may explain the shift from flight to fight behavior with decreasing temperature. Moreover, our data hint at the physiological basis for this effect as isolated muscle power output, twitch and tetanus time traits, relevant to sprinting, appear to be strongly temperature dependent muscle properties. Maximal muscle force production, on the other hand, appears largely independent of temperature. Unexpectedly, differences in the physiological properties of jaw versus limb muscle were observed that enhance the ability of the jaw muscle to generate maximal force at all temperatures tested. Thus our data show how behavioral responses may be determined by the limitations set by temperature on physiological processes.
Ruinenagame / Syrische Agame / Dornschuppenhautagame ALI-SHTAYEH, M.S. & A.K. HAMAD (1997): Biodiversity in Palestine: West Bank and Gaza Strip. In: Proceedings of the Arab experts meeting on biodiversity in the Arab world. (ed. ACSAD: The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (Damascus) and the Technical Secretary of the League of the Arab States (Cairo). 1-5 October 1995, Cairo, Egypt. ACSAD/AS/P171/1997. Damascus. p. 469-529. ANDERSON, S.C. (1999): Trapelus Cuvier, 1816; T. agilis (Olivier, 1804); T. persicus (Blanford, 1881); T. ruderatus (Olivier, 1804) - In: Lizards of Iran. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Oxford, Ohio: 99-110. CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON, J.L. (1979): Water loss and locomotory activity in Agama persica and Diplometopon zarudnyi from Kuwait. Journal of Arid Environment, 2: 273-277. Evaporative water loss in dry, still, air was measured from both species, and found to be surprisingly low in Diplometopon zarudnyi despite its subterranean mode of life. The eggs of Agama persica, however, rapidly lost and absorbed water. A. persica is day-active and showed a marked endogenous rhythm which could easily be synchronized by reversed lighting. In contrast, D. zarudnyi showed no periodicity even in alternating light and darkness. Although more active at higher temperatures D. zarudnyi is unusual in that it does not possess an endogenous circadian activity rhythm. Modeling the potential distribution areas for a given species is important in understanding the relationship between the actual distribution and the most suitable habitat for a species. In this study, we obtained all available records of Trapelus ruderatus and Trapelus persicus from museums, literature and fieldwork and used them with environmental layers in the Maximum Entropy algorithm to predict highly suitable habitat areas. The distribution model of T. ruderatus and T. persicus showed excellent performance for both models (T. ruderatus AUC = 0.964 ± 0.001 and T. persicus AUC = 0.996 ± 0.003), and predicted suitable regions in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Niche overlap was measured between the two groups by ENMtools and 13% overlapped. We used a niche identity test to determine differences between the niches of the two species. Finally, by comparing our null hypothesis to the true niche overlap of the two species, we were able to reject our null hypothesis of no difference between the niches. Due to the sympatric distribution pattern of these species, we do not need a background test for niche divergence. Red-throated Agama BLANFORD, W.T. (1876): On some lizards from Sind, with descriptions of new species of Ptyodactylus, Stenodactylus, and Trapelus. - J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 45: 232-233 [1875].
Ruinenagame / Horn-scaled Agama ABDEL-FATTAH, R.F., A-BADRY, K.S. & F. AL-BALOOL (1974): Haematological studies on some reptiles from Kuwait. Part 1. Some corpuscular constants, blood glucose, and electrophoretic examination of blood proteins of the lizard Agama persica. Journal Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 1: 129-135. ABEL, E. (1952): Zur Biologie von Agama agilis Ol. und Agama ruderata Ol. Zool. Anz., 149: 125-133. ANANJEVA, N.B. 1982. The agamid lizard Agama ruderata. - Priroda (Moscow), 1982 (5): 26-27. (In Russisch). ANDERSON, S.C. (1966): A substitute name for Agama persica Blanford. Herpetologica, 22: 230. ANDERSON, S.C. (1999): Trapelus Cuvier, 1816; T. agilis (Olivier, 1804); T. persicus (Blanford, 1881); T. ruderatus (Olivier, 1804) - In: Lizards of Iran. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Oxford, Ohio: 99-110. BARAN, I., KASPAREK, M. & M. ÖZ (1989): On the distribution of four species of agama (Agamidae) in Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, Heidelberg, 3: 37-46. Kurzfassung: Die Verbreitung des Harduns, Agama stellio, der Kaukasischen Agame, A. caucasia, der Ruinenagame, A. ruderata, und des Sonnenguckers, Phrynocephalus helioscopus, in der Türkei wird durch Punktkarten dargestellt. A. stellio und A. caucasia schließen sich gegenseitig horizontal und vertikal aus. Das Areal von A. stellio wird durch die März-Isotherme von 8°C und die Juli- und August-Isothermen von 24°C definiert. A. ruderata kommt zwar in den großen, ursprünglichen Steppengebieten Zentral- und Südost-Anatoliens vor, fehlt aber in den Steppen Ost-Anatoliens. BHATNAGAR, A.N. & Y.T. YONISS (1977): Chromosome cytology of two lizards, Agama ruderata and Mabuya aurata septemtaeniata. Caryologia, 30 (4): 399-409. EID, E.K.A., AMR, Z.S.S., AL JOHANY, A.M.H., ANDERSON, S., NILSON, G., SEVINC, M., TOK, V., SADEK, R., DISI, A.M., HRAOUI-BLOQUET, S., LYMBERAKIS, P., UGURTAS, I.H. & P.-A. CROCHET (2012): Trapelus ruderatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T164567A1058706.
We studied sexual dimorphism and some aspects of natural history and behavior of the Persian agama (Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus) from a population in Dehloran Township, Ilam Province, southwestern Iran. Findings were obtained by personal observations and using SPSS 13 statistical package. Based on the analyses, some characters show differences between males and females. All findings for T. ruderatus in this paper are reported for the first time.
ESTERBAUER, H. (1987): Beobachtungen an der Syrischen Agame. Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift, 40 (2): 84-87. FATHINIA, B., RASTEGAR-POUYANI, N., BAHRAMI, A.M. & G. ABDALI (2011): Comparative skull anatomy and dentition of Trapelus lessonae and T. ruderatus (Sauria: Agamidae) from Ilam Province, Iran. - Russ. J. Herpetol. 18 (2): 83-92. In this study, the skull roof, palate, braincase, lower jaw and dentition of the skull of the adult specimens of two species of the ground agamids, Trapelus ruderatus and Trapelus lessonae are compared for the first time. Based on this study, from morphological and functional perspectives, some fine differences among various parts of the skull in these two lizard species are presented. FATHINIA, B., RASTEGAR-POUYANI, N., BAHRAMI, A. & S.C. ANDERSON (2010): Sexual dimorphism in Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus (Sauria: Agamidae) with notes on the natural history. DeAgamis 2, 2nd International Symposium on Agamid lizards, St. Petersburg. In agamid lizards, both sexual selection and natural selection influence the form of dimorphism in secondary sexual traits The genus Trapelus Cuvier, 1816 comprises four species on the Iranian Plateau as follows: T. agilis (Olivier, 1804), T. lessonae (De Filippi, 1865), T. ruderatus (Blanford, 1881) and T. megalonyx (Gunther, 1865). The distribution of T. ruderatus (=the formerly T. persicus) in Iran is limited to southern and southwestern regions of the Iranian Plateau. Among the Iranian species of the genus Trapelus the study of sexual dimorphism has already been carried out in Trapelus agilis. In this relation, study of sexual dimorphism, coloration and color pattern, and natural history of the Persian agama (Trapelus ruderatus= the formerly T. persicus) is of interest and importance. The patterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian agama, T. ruderatus, in relation to environmental issues are discussed. We studied sexual dimorphism and some aspects of natural history and behavior of the Persian agama (Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus) from southwestern Iran. Uni-and multivariate statistical procedures were employed to explore the paptterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian agama. Based on the statistical analyses, some characters show significant differences between males and females. Modeling the potential distribution areas for a given species is important in understanding the relationship between the actual distribution and the most suitable habitat for a species. In this study, we obtained all available records of Trapelus ruderatus and Trapelus persicus from museums, literature and fieldwork and used them with environmental layers in the Maximum Entropy algorithm to predict highly suitable habitat areas. The distribution model of T. ruderatus and T. persicus showed excellent performance for both models (T. ruderatus AUC = 0.964 ± 0.001 and T. persicus AUC = 0.996 ± 0.003), and predicted suitable regions in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Niche overlap was measured between the two groups by ENMtools and 13% overlapped. We used a niche identity test to determine differences between the niches of the two species. Finally, by comparing our null hypothesis to the true niche overlap of the two species, we were able to reject our null hypothesis of no difference between the niches. Due to the sympatric distribution pattern of these species, we do not need a background test for niche divergence. We collected 60 adult males and 85 adult females of Trapelus lessonae De Filippi, 1863 in early May 2008 from central Iranian plateau to study sexual dimorphism in morphological traits as well as female reproductive traits. Size-related sexual dimorphism occurred in all the compared body dimensions. The largest female was 83.88 mm in snout-vent length, and the largest male was 73.12 mm. As well, adult males were larger in head size and tail length, whereas females were larger in body size and abdomen length. Males and females also presented differences in color pattern, and in the presence of preanal pores. The results suggest that, in Trapelus lessonae, sexual dimorphism in size is determined by sexual selection, competition between males and fecundity selection, fecundity advantage for large female size. A pattern generated by fecundity advantages enjoyed by large females. The testicular cycle in lizards, inhabitant of the temperate regions showing regeneration and degeneration periods during the year. For study of testicular activation in lizards, inhabiting in a temperate region, the specimens of ground agamid, Trapelus lessonae, were collected in Lorestan Province, western Iran. During the hibernation period, testes of the collected specimens were removed and treated using standard histological processes and techniques. Based on our studies, two phases of testicular activity were observed during the hibernation period as follows: (1) a relatively silent phase occurred during the early hibernation according to which testicular tissue slightly increased and (2) an activation phase occurred in late hibernation period in which the testicular tissue strongly increased. Based on this study, the testicular activation in temperate regions occurs during the late hibernation period and that the hibernation period has an important role to renewing the testicular tissue in the hibernating lizards and this is a very good instance of natural selection in action. Spermatogenesis is a complicated process with various factors that influence and control it. I collected a number of male specimens of Trapelus lessonae in three latitudes (during biological activity) that were different in climate. I removed testes for histological survey. H and E staining techniques were used. The results of screening showed three phases of spermatogenesis during biological activity for three different latitudes. Spermatogenesis timing differed in the three latitudes. Timing of spermatogenesis differed in low elevation populations and began earlier than in higher elevation populations. The aim of this study was to determine the erythrocyte and nucleus sizes of two species of Agamidae (Laudakia nupta and Trapelus lessonae), one species of Scincidae (Mabuya aurata) and one species of Lacertidae (Ophisops elegans) from Iran by means of blood smears stained with Giemsa. The sizes of erythrocytes and their nuclei were measured using an ocular micrometer at a magnification of 6300x. The longest, widest and largest erythrocytes were found in Laudakia nupta. The shortest and narrowest erythrocytes and nuclei were found in Trapelus lessonae. The longest, widest and largest nuclei were found in Mabuya aurata. The study revealed significant variation between Iranian species and others indicating the significant affect of environmental conditions.
In this research, it is intended to determine amphibian and reptile species distributed in Hatay province (East Mediterranean region, Turkey). For this aim, it is realized herpetological trip to al region of the province of Hatay in March, April, May, July, September and October in 2016 and in March and May in 2017. As a result of this study, it is recorded five anuran, two urodela species belong to five families, six chelonian belong to 5 families, and 17 lizard belong to seven families and 22 snake species belong to four families in the province Hatay (7 amphibians and 45 reptiles in total). As a result of this project; Trapelus lessonae (De filippi, 1865), and Eirenis barani Schmidtler, 1988 were recorded for in the province of Hatay in first. We report the most updated information regarding the herpetofauna of Hatay province.
Steppenagame / Steppe Agama ANANJEVA, N.B. & O.J. TSARUK (1987): The taxonomic status of the steppe agama, Trapelus sanguinolenta in the Praecaucasus. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute Leningrad, St. Petersburg, 158: 39-46. CHERLIN, V.A. (1988): On the thermobiology of Cyrtopodion russowi, Eremias scripta and Trapelus sanguinolentus in eastern Karakum desert. - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk 1988(5): 36-43. (In Russisch). DUJSEBAYEVA, T.N. & D.V. MALAKHOV (2006): Postembryonic growth of the steppe agama, Trapelus sanguinolentus (Pall., 1814) and the toad-headed agama, Phrynocephalus mystaceus (Pall., 1776) in terrarium. Selevinia, 2005: 143-146. (In Russisch). HERBER, F.A. (1963): Bemerkungen zur Biologie und Pflege der Steppenagame Agama sanguinolenta. Aquarien Terrarien, Leipzig, 1963 (10): 161-162. (1196) KAMALOVA, Z.Y. & A.G. DAVLETSHINA (1975): Feeding of Agama sanguinolenta in various regions of Central Asia. Uzbekskii Biol. Zh., 1975 (1): 49-51. (in Russisch) KUBYKIN, R.A. & Z.K. BRUSHKO (1977): Molting of the steppe agama, Agama sanguinolenta (Pall.), in the southern Balkhash Lake region. Trudy zool. Inst.Leningrad, 74: 69-72. (in Russisch) LANGERWERF, B. (1979): De herpetofauna van Oezbekistan (2). Lacerta, 37 (9): 152. LUKINA, N.A. (1994): Peculiarities of the chromosome structure from oocytes in two lacertid species Teratoscincus scincus (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) and Trapelus sanguinolentus (Reptilia, Agamidae). Tsitologiya, 36 (8): 874-879. NOVÁK, K., VELENSKÝ, P. & O. KOPECKÝ (2020): Signaling, Agonistic Behavior, and Life-History Traits of Steppe Agama (Trapelus sanguinolentus) in Prague Zoo. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 27 (6): 334-340.Life history traits are influenced by many factors, such as social structure, social displays and aggressive interactions. We investigated signalling and agonistic behavior in relation to body condition and lifespan in Trapelus sanguinolentus, a small, semi-arboreal, oviparous agamid lizard from the Central Asia. We individually examined basic morphological characteristics, number of performed signal displays and relative success in agonistic interactions (via Clutton-Brock index). Life expectancy of males did not differ from life expectancy of females. Overall variability of signals was low and simple push-up display was prevalent signal type for both sexes. Frequency of performed signals differed between sexes with males signalling more. For both sexes number of signals was not associated with life expectancy. Interaction of life expectancy and sex was also not significant. In females body condition influenced number of performed signals when individuals in better body condition signalled more. Most of agonistic interactions was solved by means of signal displays and did not lead to a direct physical combat. While in males association between CBI and number of signals was not significant, in females higher value of CBI means more performed signals. Conditions of our study (sex ratio 4:1 in favor of females, 20 individuals on 16.5 m2 of terrarium) means that agonistic signals have greater importance for females. The agonistic interactions in females led to direct physical combat more frequently could reflect more competitive intra-sexual environment. Females in better body condition probably used higher signalling activity and better performance in direct combat for access to mates and to places for sunbathing and oviposition. ORLOVA, V.F. (1981): Agama sanguinolenta (Pallas, 1814) - Steppenagame. In: Böhme, W. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Vol. 1 Echsen (Sauria) I. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. 149-160. OVEZMUKHAMMEDOV, A. (1975): Octosporella sanguinolenti sp. n. a new species of coccidian from Agama sanguinolenti Pallas. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Turkmen. SSR (Biol.), 1975 (4): 87-88. (in Russisch) PALLAS, P.S. (1827): Description of Trapelus sanguinolentus - In: Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica sistens Omnium Animalum in Extenso Imperio Rossico et Adjacentibus Maribus Observatorium Recensionem, Domicilia, Mores et Descriptiones, Anatomen atque Icones Plurimorum. Volumen Tertium. St. Petersburg, 1831. PANOV, E.N. & L.Y. ZYKOVA (1986): Notes on the Agama sanguinolenta behaviour. 1. General biological features, spatial population structure and social behaviour. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 65(1): 99-109. (In Russisch). PANOV, E.N. & L.Y. ZYKOVA (1986): Notes on the Agama sanguinolenta behaviour. 2. Everyday and communicative behaviour. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 65(2): 235-246. (In Russisch). PETZOLD, H.-G. (1981): Agama sanguinolenta (Pallas 1814) Steppenagame. Aquarien Terrarien, Leipzig, 28 (6): 215. (1104) ROTTER, J. (1956): Die Bekanntschaft mit der Steppenagame. Aquarien Terrarien, Leipzig, 3 (12): 373-375. (1245) Trapelus sanguinolentus sanguinolentus (PALLAS, 1827) Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis (LICHTENSTEIN, 1823)
ALI-SHTAYEH, M.S. & A.K. HAMAD (1997): Biodiversity in Palestine: West Bank and Gaza Strip. In: Proceedings of the Arab experts meeting on biodiversity in the Arab world. (ed. ACSAD: The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (Damascus) and the Technical Secretary of the League of the Arab States (Cairo). 1-5 October 1995, Cairo, Egypt. ACSAD/AS/P171/1997. Damascus. p. 469-529. GOLDBERG, S.R. (2013): Trapelus savignii (Egyptian sand agama) reproduction. - Herpetological Review 44 (4): 685-686. HASSAN, H.A. (1996): Chromosomal studies of four Egyptian lizards of the families Agamidae and Scincidae. Cytologia, Tokyo, 61 (4): 443-455. HERTZ, P.E., HUEY, R.B. & E. NEVO (1982): Fight versus flight: body temperature influences defensive responses of lizards. Anim. Behav., 30 (3): 676-679. MÜLLER, H.D. (2001): Trapelus savignyi (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837) Erfahrungen mit der Terrarienhaltung. elaphe N.F., Rheinbach, 9 (4): 7-16. (02.978 / 00.977) Die Agame Trapelus savignyi wird seit vielen Jahren fast regelmäßig in kleinen Stückzahlen importiert. Viele dieser Wildfänge haben es in der ersten Zeit nach dem Kauf schwer, wieder in einen guten Gesundheitszustand zu gelangen. Mitverantwortlich dürften ein Mangel an Haltungsgeschreibungen und der besonders in früheren Jahren schlechte Zustand der Tiere beim Kauf sein. Die Art ist bei Beachtung einiger Besonderheiten im Terrarium durchaus haltbar und nachziehbar.
WAGNER, P. & W. BÖHME (2007): A new species of the genus Trapelus CUVIER, 1816 (Squamata: Agamidae) from arid central Africa. Bonner zoologische Beiträge, Bonn, 55 (2): 81-87. Abstract:
Sahara Agama BARTS, M. (2002): Weitere Daten zur Lebensweise von Trapelus tournevillei (LATASTE, 1880) (Sauria, Agamidae). Sauria, Berlin, 24 (2): 19-22. (02.299) The dune agama, Trapelus tournevillei, was observed at Nefta, SE Tunisia, and found to be restricted to living in amongst tufts of grass on solitary sand dunes. Relevant field and terrarium observations are related. A case of inadvertent hybridization T. mutabilus x T. tournevillei is briefly summarized. The species is probably incompatible with Baygon insecticide strips. JOGER, U., GENIEZ, P. & S. NOUIRA (2006): Trapelus tournevillei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2006: e.T61588A12501750. LATASTE, F. (1880): Diagnoses de reptiles nouveaux d’Algérie. 4. Agama Tournevillei, n. sp. - Le Naturaliste 2: 325. SCHLEICH, H.-H., KÄSTLE, W. & K. KABISCH (1996): Trapelus tournevillei Lataste, 1880 In: Amphibians and Reptiles of North Africa. Koeltz, Koenigstein WAGNER et al. (2011):Opening a box of cryptic taxa the first review of the North African desert lizards in the Trapelus mutabilis Merrem, 1820 complex (Squamata: Agamidae) with descriptions of new taxa zurück / back |