Literatur und Schriften

Physignathus CUVIER, 1829

Wasseragamen / Water Dragons

BARTLETT, R.D. & P.P. BARTLETT (1997): Anoles, Basilisks, and Water Dragons. – Barron´s Educational Series, Hauppauge, New York. 96 S.

BLAKE, E. (1985): The captive breeding of Physignathus and the use of vitamin D3 with other species of lizards. – Herptile, 10 (2): 51-58.

BRAZENOV, C.W. (1932): A lizard not previously recorded from Victoria (Physignathus). – Vict. Nat., 49: 171.

CLIFFORD, H.T. & T. HAMLEY (1982): Seed dispersal by water-dragons. – Queensland Naturalist, 23 (5-6): 49.

COBORN, J. (undatiert): The Guide to Owning a Water Dragon. – t.f.h. Publications, Neptune City. 64 S.

CUERVO, J.J. & R. SHINE (2007): Hues of a dragon’s belly: morphological correlates of ventral colouration in water dragons. – J. Zool., 273: 298-304.

GLAUERT, L. (1959): Herpetol. Miscel. X: Dragon Lizards. – Western Austr. Nat., 7: 10-19.

GRIESSEL, H. (1990): Wasseragamen im Terrarium. – Die Aquar. Terrar. Z., Stuttgart, 43 (9): 534-535.

LOVERIDGE, A. (1933): New agamid lizards of the genera Amphibolurus and Physignathus from Australia. – Proc. New. Engl. Zool. Blub, 13: 69-72.

MUDDE, P. (1982): Groene leguanen, basilisken en wateragamen. – Lacerta, 40 (10/11): 218-220. (02.049)

SCHRAMM, U., RUDAT, B. & W. KÜHNEL (1989): Die Nickhaut der Wasseragame. Über besondere Funktionsformen des Epithels der Plica semilunaris conjunctivae. – Verhandlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft, 82 (1): 381-383.

STORR, G.M. (1974): Agamid lizards of the genera Caimanops, Physignathus and Diporiphora in Western Australia and Northern Territory. – Records W. Aust. Mus., 3 (2): 121-146.

VOGEL, Z. (1969): Die Mini-Saurier. Wasseragamen aus Indien und Australien. - Aquarien Magazin, Stuttgart, 3 (10): 406-408. (1098)

WERNING, H. (2002): Wasseragamen und Segelechsen. – Natur- und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 127 S.

WERNING, H. (2004): Bibliographie der Gattungen Physignathus, Lophognathus und Hydrosaurus. – Iguana-Rundschreiben, 17 (2): 18-31.

Physignathus cocincinus CUVIER, 1829

Grüne Wasseragame / Chinese Water Dragon / Green Water Dragon / Thai Water Dragon

ANONYMUS (1988): Grüne Wasseragane (Physignathus concincinus). – Die Aquar. Terrar. Z., Stuttgart, 41 (5): 73.

BARBOUR, T. (1912): Physignathus cocincinus and its subspecies. – Proc. Biol. Soc., 25.

BITTER, H. de & M. de BITTER (1986): Bevruchte eieren van twee groene wateragamen, Physignathus cocincinus, dankzij spermaopslag? – Lacerta, 44 (5): 74-76. (02.075)

BLAKE, E. (1982): The captive breeding of Chinese water dragon and attendant difficulties. – Royal Zoological Society of Scotland Annual Report, 70: 46-52.

CHÚNG, N.D., MAI HUÒNG, T.T. & VIÊT HÙNG, T.D. (2012): Some biological characteristics of green water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829) in Nam Dông, Thùa Thiên Huể province. – Tap chi Nghiên cúru và Phát triên, 6 (65).

COTA, M. (2008): Geographic distribution: Physignathus cocincinus (Chinese Water Dragon). – Herpetol. Rev., 39 (1): 109-110.

DEDEKIND, K. & H.-G. PETZOLD (1982): Zur Haltung und Zucht der Hinterindischen Wasseragame (Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829) im Tierpark Berlin. – Zoologischer Garten, 52 (1): 29-45.

DEMETER, B.U. (1981): Captive maintenance and breeding of the Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus concincinus) at the National Zoological Park. –Proc. 5th Ann. Symp. Captive Propagation and Husbandry, Oklahoma City Zoo.

ENGEL, G. (2006): Ein Regenwaldterrarium im Wohnzimmer – Bau, Einrichtung und Betrieb einer Anlage zur Haltung Grüner Wasseragamen (Physignathus cocincinus). – Draco, Münster, 7 (2): 64-69.

ESTERBAUER, H. (2017): Die Grüne Wasseragame, Physignathus cocincinus – Ein freundlicher Drache für das Terrarium. – Reptilia, Münster, 22 (4): 44-52.

FISCHER, O. (2020): Wasserdrachen. – Reptilia, Münster, 25 (3): 10-17.

FOEKEMA, G.M.M. (1972): De groene wateragame (Physignathus cochinchinus) en de groene leguaan (Iguana iguana), een fraai voorbeeld van convergentie. – Lacerta, 30 (7): 83-86.

FRANKE, K. (2007): Haltung und Nachzucht der Grünen Wasseragame (Physignathus cocincinus). – Terraria, Münster, 2 (4): 54-62.

Herkunft / Verhalten und Lebensweise / Geschlechtsunterschiede / Substrat / Wasserbecken / Beleuchtung / Heizkabel / Pflanzen / Einrichtung / Ernährung / Vermehrung und Fortpflanzung / Eiablage / Inkubation / Zur Entwicklung des Embryos im Ei / Schlupf der Jungtiere / Aufzucht der Jungtiere / Fazit.

FRANKE, K. (2007): Gibt es Parthenogenese bei Grünen Wasseragamen? – Terraria, Münster, 4 (17): 8-9.

HESELHAUS, R.(1983): Die Cochinchina-Wasseragame – eine “Amphibienechse”. – Aquarien Magazin, Stuttgart, 17: 276-279.

HESELHAUS, R.(1989): The Chinese water dragon – experiences with Physignathus cocincinus. – Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 37 (11): 99-100.

HESSELING, H. (1988): Geslaagde kweek met de groene wateragame (Physignathus cocincinus). – Lacerta, 46 (7): 106-109. (1272)

HINZ, C. (2006): Ungewöhnlich gefärbte Schlüpflinge bei der Grünen Wasseragame (Physignathus cocincinus). – Reptilia, Münster, 11 (1): 11-12.

HOWARD, C.J. (1982): Observations on the water dragon Physignathus cocincinus in captivity. – Herptile, 7 (4): 3-5.

KAMMERER, I. (1999): Haltung und Nachzucht von Physignathus cocincinus. - elaphe N.F., Rheinbach, 7 (1): 22-24. (1270)

KAST, J. (2007): Prolonged sperm storage in the Asian water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus). – Herpetol. Rev., 38 (2): 172.

KODYM, P. (1992): Chov a rozmnozování agamy vodní, Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829 (Agamidae). – Terrarista, 3 (1): 10-18.

KÖLNER AQUARIUM AM ZOO (1988): Grüne Wasseragame (Physignathus cocincinius). – Die Aquar. Terrar. Z., Stuttgart, 41 (5): 73.

LANGE, J. (1997): Wasseragamen-Zwilinge. – Die Aquar. Terrar. Z., Stuttgart, 50 (6): 346.

LIESACK, H. (2001): Probleme bei der Haltung der Hinterindischen Wasseragame. – 3. Terraristik-Symposium in Berlin, Humboldtrose 1912 e.V., Berlin. 23-26.

LIN, L. (1984): A preliminary survey of Physignathus cocincinus CUVIER of Guangxi. – Acta Herpetologica Sinica, Chengdu, N.S., 3 (4): 79-80. (in Chinesisch)

LINDSTROM, T. (1979): Experience with Physignathus cochinchinensis. – Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening, 22 (1): 25-27.

LLADO HÄDINGER, M. (1996): Physignathus concincinus. El Dragón de agua. – Reptilia (E) Nr. 3: 14-16.

LLADO HÄDINGER, M. (1998): Physignathus cocincinus: the water dragon. – Reptilia (GB) 1: 28-31.

LOVERIDGE, A. (1933): New agamid lizards of the genera Amphibolurus and Physignathus from Australia. – Proc. New. Engl. Zool. Blub, 13: 69-72.

MADER, D.R. (1987): Captive propagation of the Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus). – Proc. North. Calif. Herp. Soc. 1987 Conf. on Captive Propagation and Husbandry of Reptiles and Amphibians.

MADER, D.R. (1991): Treatment of a broken leg in an Asian water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) with an electric bone stimulator. – Vivarium, Lakeside, 3 (4): 11-13.

MADER, D.R. & L. KERR (1986): Treatment of a non-union fracture of the tibia in a Chinese water dragon, including stimulation of osteogenesis with direct electric current. – Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 189 (9): 1141-1142.

MAINZ, V. (1990): Interessant und liebenswert - Cochinchina Wasserdrachen Physignatus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829. - Aquarien Terrarien, Leipzig, 37 (6): 206-207. (00.260)

MANTHEY, S. & U. MANTHEY (1999): Beobachtungen an Physignathus cocincinus in Thailand und Laos. – Reptilia, Münster, 4 (6): 22-23.

MARTIN, F. (1987): Chinese water dragons hatch at zoo. - Zoonooz; 60 (9): 11-12.

MAYER, J. & C. INNIS (2005): Characterizing the hematologic and plasma chemistry profiles of captive chinese Water Dragons, Physignathus cocincinus. – J. Herp. Med. Surg., 15 (3): 16-23.

Twenty-six (one to six years of age) Chinese water dragons, Physignathus cocincinus, from two different captive populations, Massachusetts (MA) and Mississippi (MS), were selected for this study. The lizards were given a thorough examination, and a blood sample was collected for a complete blood count (CBC) and plasma biochemistry. Whole blood was stored in both lithium heparin and Ca-EDTA; Ca-EDTA was considered the superior anticoagulant based on multiple paired samples. The packed cell volume (PCV) for the water dragons was 32 – 40%. The lymphocyte was the most common cell found on the CBC. There were significant differences in the plasma uric acid (MS: 2.3; MA 6.0; p=0.001) and phosphorus (MS: 5.7, MA:7.1; p=0.04) concentrations between the two populations. Younger dragons (<2 yr of age) were more likely to have higher plasma uric acid concentrations (<2 yr: 3.4, >3 yr: 2.3, p=0.01) than dragons > 3 yr of age. There were no significant differences in the biochemistries based on the origin (wild-caught vs. captive bred) of the lizards or between genders. Overall, the dragons in this study were clinically healthy, and the reference range established from these two populations may be used as a basis for comparison in clinical cases.

MEEK, R. (1999): Thermoregulation and activity patterns in captive water dragons, Physignathus cocincinus, in a naturalistic environment. – Herpetological Journal, 9 (4): 137-146.

MEYER-HOLZAPFEL, M. (1969): Notes on the breeding and egglaying of some reptiles at Berne Zoo. – Int. Zoo Yb., 9: 20-23.

MUDDE, P. (1982): Groene leguanen, basilisken en wateragamen. – Lacerta, 40 (10/11): 218-220.

NGO, V.B., NGUYEN, L.C., NGUYEN, H.V., NGO, C.D. & T.Q.NGUYEN (2016): Microhabitat use and foraging mode of the Green Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus CUVIER, 1829) in Thua Thien-Hue Province - In: Ong, A.V. (ed.): Proc. of the 3rd Natl. Sci. Workshop on Amphibians and Reptiles in Vietnam, Natural Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi: 175-180. (in Vietnamesisch)

NGUYEN, V.H. (2018): Study on the population status of the Asian Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829) with implications for conservation in Thua Thien Hue. Thesis. Hue University. 23 pp.

NGUYEN, H., NGO, B.V., NGO, D.C. & Q.T. NGUYEN (2018): Diet of the Indochinese Water Dragon Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829 (Squamata: Sauria: Agamidae) from Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. – Russian Journal of Herpetology, 25 (3): 189-194.

The Indochinese Water Dragon, Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829, was listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) as Vulnerable. However, the knowledge about feeding ecology of this lizard species is still lacking. We herein provide data about the diet of P. cocincinus based on results of our field work in A Luoi District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. We used the stomach-flushing method to obtain the stomach contents of 187 individuals at three survey sites. A total of 20 prey categories with 3066 items, comprising 3052 items of invertebrates and 14 items of plants, was found in the stomachs of P. cocincinus. The most common prey items of P. cocincinus were spiders, ants, insect larvae, termites, crickets, grasshoppers, and earthworms with the importance indices ranged from 5.36% to 35.57%. The total volume of food items consumed by adult and subadult individuals was greater than that consumed by juveniles (P = 0.005). The rarefaction curves for prey category richness were higher in subadults and in juveniles than that in adult individuals for both occurrence frequency and counted items.

NGUYEN, V.H., NGO, D.C., NGO, V.B. & Q.T. NGUYEN (2017):  Day and night activities and microhabitat use of the Green Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) in the montane regions of Thua Thien Hue Province, central Vietnam. - J. Nat. Sci. Hue Univ., 126 (1A): 103 – 112. (in Vietnamesisch, mit englische Zusammenfassung).

We observed a total of 89 individuals during the day and 211 individuals at night in order to investigate day and night activities of the Green Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829), a threatened reptile species listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) which is ranked as Vulnerable in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam. Most of the recorded individuals were found on trees (71,9 % of the total recorded individuals in the daytime and 96,7 % at night). The Green Water Dragon is more abundant and active between ten and thirteen o’clock (65,2 %). At night, this species starts appearing on the perches of streams, taking a rest; the number of individuals found from twenty to twenty-two o’clock occupies the highest rate (60.2 %). Individuals of the Green Water Dragon were regularly found in three types of microhabitats: hardwood, leaves, and vines and shrubs. The air temperature and humidity were found to affect the choice of the microhabitat of the Green Water Dragon (p ≤ 0.005). We also found the spatial partitioning in different age groups of the Green Water Dragon: adults usually lived at higher position (over 3 m above the water surface), juveniles usually were found at the lowest position (under 0.5 m), and subadults were usually seen at the middle position (about 1.01–2.0 m).

ORTNER, A. (1982): Pflege und Verhalten der Wasseragame (Physignathus mentager). – Aquaria, St. Gallen, 29 (10): 165-166.

PACHMANN, A. (2020): Home Range Sachsen: Raumnutzungsverhalten von Grünen Wasseragamen (Physignathus cocincinus) im Gondwanaland des Zoos Leipzig. – Reptilia, Münster, 25 (3): 32-41.

PANG, Q., et al. (1991): The karyotype of Physignathus cocincinus. – Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 10 (3): 14-15.

PETZOLD, H.-G. (1980): Physignathus cocincinus CUVIER, 1829 – Indonesische Wasseragame. – Aquarien Terrarien, Leipzig, 27 (6): 216.

REHAK, I. (1995): The agamid lizard Physignathus cf, cocincinus from Tonkin. – Akvarium Terarium, 38 (4): 35-39.

REZHENINOVA, V. (1995): What do we know about the agamid lizard Physginathus concinnus? . Akvariumist, 1 (9): 14-17. (in Russisch)

ROGNER, M. (2015): Die Grüne Wasseragame (Physignathus cocincinus) im Terrarium. – Reptilia, Münster, 20 (4): 44-48.

ROSENBERG, H. (1941): Ein seltener Terrariengast, Physignathus cocincinus. – Wschr. Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, 37 (3-5): 25-27, 45-48.

SANDE, A.P. van den (1974): Quelques présentations: soa soa, agame aquatique indochinois, basilisc à bondes. – Zoo Anvers, 39 (4): 140-142.

SCHLIEMANN, D. (1968): Die Haltung von Cochinchina-Wasseragamen Physignathus cocincinus. – Aqua Terra, 5: 81-83.

SIMON, R. (2001): Elevage du dragon d'eau asiatique Physignathus cocincinus. – Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr., 98 (Suppl.): 9-17.

STEHR, C. (1984): Eine interessante Entdeckung bei meinen Wasseragamen. - Die Aquar. Terrar. Z., Stuttgart, 37 (11): 438. (1267)

STOLK, A. (1986): Physignathus cocincinus. – Aquarium, Den Haag, 56 (3): 73.

ULLRICH, K. (1979): Beobachtungen an asiatischen Wasseragamen (Physignathus cocincinus). - herpetofauna, 1 (2): 15-17. (1258)

VIT, Z. (1979): Cochinchina-„Wasserdrachen“ - Physignathus cocincinus Cuvier, 1829. - Aquarien Terrarien, Leipzig, 26 (8): 268-271. (1097)

VOGEL, Z. (0000): Die Mini-Saurier. Wasseragamen aus Indien und Australien. – Aquarien Magazin. S. 406-408.

VOSJOLI, P. de (1992): Green Water Dragons, Sailfin Lizards and basilisks. – Advanced Vivarium Systems, Escondido, CA. 31 S.

WERNING, H. (1993): Physignathus cocincinus CUVIER. - Sauria Suppl., Berlin, 1993, 15 (1-4): 265-268. (1261)

WERNING, H. (2000): 15 years with green water dragons. Reptilia (GB), Nr. 10: 20-27.

WERNING, H. (2000): 15 Jahre mit Grünen Wasseragamen. – Reptilia, Münster, 4 (6): 24-31.

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