Literatur und Schriften
Lamellenagame / Crested Lizard
Lamellenagame / Crested Lizard HARVEY, M.B. SCRIVANI, J., SHANEY, K., HAMIDY, A., KURNIAWAN, N. & E.N. SMITH (2018): Sumatra’s Endemic Crested Dragons (Agamidae: Lophocalotes): A New Species from the Bukit Barisan Range, Comments on Lophocalotes ludekingi, and Ecology. - Herpetologica, 74 (1): 7388. With the use of a concordance and a mitochondrial treemorphological character congruence approach, we show that recently discovered populations of Lophocalotes represent a new species. Like its only known congener, the new species occurs only on Sumatra in montane forests above 1000 m. The new species differs from L. ludekingi in having more gulars, ventrals, and subdigital lamellae; in having males with a lower nuchal crest not supported by an arched flap of skin and white gular markings; and in having females with cream buccal epithelia. These agamids are slow-moving, arboreal, generalist predators and lay 26 eggs, multiple times per year. Lophocalotes exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism. Interestingly, coloration of the buccal epithelium is sexually dichromatic in the new species. The recently described nematode Spinicauda sumatrana infected most hosts in our sample, and parasite load increased with snout-to-vent length. Lophocalotes is closely related to Dendragama and Pseudocalotes and shares two derived characters with Pseudocophotis sumatrana: a prehensile tail and reduced keels on the subdigital lamellae.
Lamellenagame / Crested Lizard
HALLERMANN, J., ORLOV, N. & N. ANANYEVA (2004): Notes on distribution and colour pattern of the rare agamid lizard Lophocalotes ludekingii (BLEKER, 1860) in Sumatra (Indonesia). Salamandra, Rheinbach, 40 (3/4): 303-306.
Zusammenfassung: Bisher kannte man Lophocalotes ludekingii nur von wenigen Lokalitäten in der Provinz Westsumatra. Während einer Expedition in die Provinz Jambi konnten mehrere Exemplare dieser Art beobachtet und fotografiert werden. Erstmals wurden Färbung und Morphometrie von beiden Geschlechtern dokumentiert. Außerdem konnten durch Beobachtungen und Fotos eines französischen Kollegens im Kerinci Nationalpark (Sumatera Barat) Färbungsunterschiede zur oben zitierten Population aufgezeigt werden. Vergleiche mit dem einzigen verfügbaren Museumsmaterial aus den Museen in Bonn und Leiden ergänzten bisherige Angaben zur Kopf-Rumpf-Länge. HARVEY, M.B. SCRIVANI, J., SHANEY, K., HAMIDY, A., KURNIAWAN, N. & E.N. SMITH (2018): Sumatra’s Endemic Crested Dragons (Agamidae: Lophocalotes): A New Species from the Bukit Barisan Range, Comments on Lophocalotes ludekingi, and Ecology. - Herpetologica, 74 (1): 7388. With the use of a concordance and a mitochondrial treemorphological character congruence approach, we show that recently discovered populations of Lophocalotes represent a new species. Like its only known congener, the new species occurs only on Sumatra in montane forests above 1000 m. The new species differs from L. ludekingi in having more gulars, ventrals, and subdigital lamellae; in having males with a lower nuchal crest not supported by an arched flap of skin and white gular markings; and in having females with cream buccal epithelia. These agamids are slow-moving, arboreal, generalist predators and lay 26 eggs, multiple times per year. Lophocalotes exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism. Interestingly, coloration of the buccal epithelium is sexually dichromatic in the new species. The recently described nematode Spinicauda sumatrana infected most hosts in our sample, and parasite load increased with snout-to-vent length. Lophocalotes is closely related to Dendragama and Pseudocalotes and shares two derived characters with Pseudocophotis sumatrana: a prehensile tail and reduced keels on the subdigital lamellae. |