Literatur und Schriften

Japalura GRAY, 1853


BARBOUR, T. & E.R. DUNN (1919): Two new Chinese Japaluras. – Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 7: 15-19.

DENZER, W., MANTHEY, U. & P.D. CAMPBELL (2019): Catalogue of type specimens of the agamid lizard genus Japalura s. l. (Squamata: Agamidae: Draconinae). – Zootaxa, 4612 (1): 109-125.

The genus Japalura Gray, 1853 s. l. currently comprises 34 species (Japalura n=7; Cristidorsa Wang, Deepak, Datta-Roy, Lin, Jiang, Che & Siler, 2018, n=2; Diploderma Hallowell, 1861, n=25). Furthermore the species Diploderma polygonatum is composed of its nominate form and three additional subspecies. For all but one species primary types (holo-, syn- or lectotypes) are available, and in most cases paratypical specimens have also been deposited. The type specimen of Japalura yunnannensis appears to be lost.

GRAY, J.E. (1853): Description of the genus Japalura and its type species variegata in “Descriptions of some undescribed species of Reptiles collected by Dr. Joseph Hooker in the Khassia Mountains, East Bengal, and Sikkim Himalaya. – Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 12: 386-392.

KÄSTLE, W. & H.H. SCHLEICH (1998): Notes on comparative ethology and taxonomy of the genus Japalura. – In: Schleich, H.H. & W. Kästle (Hrsg.): Contributions to the herpetology of south-Asia (Nepal, India). – Wuppertal, Fuhlrott-Museum. 233-246.

LIANG, Y.-S. & C.-S. WANG (1976): Review of the genus Japalura (Lacertilia: Agamidae) found from Taiwan. – Quarterly J. Taiwan Mus., Zaipei, 29: 153-189.

LI, C., DENG, Q., WU, Y. & Y. WANG (2001): A new species of Japalura from Sichuan (Agamidae Gray. Japa Liura) (sic). – Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Natural Science), 22 (4): 329-331. (in chinesisch)

OTA, H. & M. HONDA (2010): Systematics and biogeography of agamid genus Japalura in the East Asian islands. - Abstracts of the Second International Symposium on Agamid Lizards «DeAgamis2». - Current Studies in Herpetology, 10 (3/4): 151-152.

WANG, K., CHE, J., LIN, S., DEEPAK, V., ANIRUDDHA, D.R., JIANG, K., JIN, J., CHEN, H. & C.D. SILER (2018): Multilocus phylogeny and revised classification for mountain dragons of the genus Japalura s.l. (Reptilia: Agamidae: Draconinae) from Asia. – Zool. J. Linn. Soc., zly034: 1-22.

Although the genus Japalura s.l. has long been recognized as paraphyletic based on limited genetic sampling, ist problematic taxonomy has not been revised, and phylogenetic relationships among the majority of congeners remain unknown. Here we utilize a densely sampled dataset of both multilocus genetic and morphological data to provide the first phylogenetic inference of relationships among Japalura s.l.species. Our results show that Japalura s.l. is paraphyletic, consisting of four major clades that are scattered across the phylogeny of the subfamily Draconinae: the first clade from the western, central and middle-eastern Trans-Himalayas, the second clade from the far eastern Trans-Himalayas, the third clade from East Asia and the last clade from Indochina. To address this widespread paraphyly of the genus and to stabilize the taxonomy within the family Draconinae, we revise the current taxonomy and split Japalura s.l. into four genera. By doing so, we recognize two existing generic names, Japalura sensu stricto and Pseudocalotes, resurrect one name available in the literature, Diploderma, and describe one new genus, Cristidorsa gen. nov. We discuss phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy within Japalura s.l. and present a diagnostic key to all recognized genera of the subfamily Draconinae.

Japalura andersoniana ANNANDALE, 1905

Anderson´s Mountain Lizard

ANNANDALE, N. (1905): Description of Japalura andersoniana. - In “Contributions to Oriental Herpetology  Suppl. II. Notes on the Oriental lizards in the Indian Museum, with a list of the species recorded  from British India and Ceylon”.- J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, (2) 1: 81-93.

BHOSALE, H., DAS, A. & U. MANTHEY (2013): Neue Fundorte und Farbvariationen von Japalura andersoniana ANNANDALE, 1905 (Sauria: Agamidae: Draconinae). / New locality records and colour variations of Japalura andersoniana ANNANDALE, 1905 (Sauria: Agamidae: Draconinae). – Sauria, Berlin, 35 (3): 55-60.

MISHRA, A. (2014): Ergänzende Beobachtungen an Japalura andersoniana ANNANDALE, 1905 (Sauria: Agamidae: Draconinae) aus Arunachal Pradesh, Indien. – Sauria, Berlin, 36 (3): 57-61.

Japalura austeniana (ANNANDALE, 1908)

Arbor Hills Agama

ANNANDALE, N. (1908): Description of a new species of lizard of the genus Salea from Assam. - Records of the Indian Museum, 2: 97.

DAS, A. & I. DAS (2007): Rediscovery of Mictopholis austeniana (Annandale, 1908) (Squamata: Agamidae). - Curr. Herpetol., 26 (1): 45-47.

MAHONY, S. (2010): Systematic and taxomonic revaluation of four little known Asian agamid species, Calotes kingdonwardi Smith, 1935, Japalura kaulbacki Smith, 1937, Salea kakhienensis Anderson, 1879 and the monotypic genus Mictopholis Smith, 1935 (Reptilia: Agamidae). – Zootaxa, 2514: 1-23.

Japalura dasi SHA & KÄSTLE 2002

Szechwan Japalure

BARBOUR, T. & E.R. DUNN (1919): Two new Chinese Japaluras. – Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club, 7: 15-19.

KÜHNEL, K.-D., KABISCH, K. & H.-J. HERRMANN (1995): Freilandbeobachtung von drei Arten der Gattung Japalura (Reptilia: Agamidae) in Sichuan und Yunnan (China). - Sauria, Berlin, 17 (4): 31-37. (1228)

SCHLEICH, H.H. & W. KÄSTLE (2002): Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal. Koeltz, Königstein, 1200 pp.

Japalura kumaonensis ANNANDALE, 1907

Kumaon Mountain Lizard

ANNANDALE, N. (1907): Description of Japalura kumaonensis - In: Boulenger, G.A., Annandale, N., Wall, F. & Regan, C.T. - Reports on a collection of batrachia, reptiles and fish from Nepal and the western Himalayas. Lacertilia. - Records of the Indian Museum, 1: 149-155.

BAIG, K.J. (1990): Japalura kumaonensis (Agamidae): record of a new genus and species from Pakistan. – Herpetological Review, 1: 22.

KÄSTLE, W. & H.H. SCHLEICH (1998): Contributions to the biology of Japalura kumaonensis (Annandale, 1907). - In: Contributions to the herpetology of South-Asia (Nepal, India). pp: 247-268.

WANG, K., JIANG, K., DEEPAK, V., HOU, M., CHE, J., & C.D. SILER (2018): On the Occurrences of Japalura kumaonensis and Japalura tricarinata (Reptilia: Sauria: Draconinae) in China. - Herpetologica, 74(2): 181-190.

Although the recognized distribution of Japalura kumaonensis is restricted largely to western Himalaya, a single, isolated outlier population was reported in eastern Himalaya at the China-Nepal border in southeastern Tibet, China in Zhangmu, Nyalam County. Interestingly, subsequent studies have recognized another morphologically similar species, J. tricarinata, from the same locality in Tibet based on photographic evidence only. Despite these reports, no studies have examined the referred specimens for either record to confirm their taxonomic identifications with robust comparisons to congener species. Here, we examine the referred specimen of the record of J. kumaonensis from southeastern Tibet, China; recently collected specimens from the same locality in southeastern Tibet; type specimens; and topotypic specimens of both J. kumaonensis and J. tricarinata, to clarify the taxonomic identity of the focal population from southeastern Tibet, China. Our results indicate that individuals of the referred Tibetan population differ from J. kumaonensis in external morphology, but match descriptions and specimens of J. tricarinata. We conclude that the previous record of J. kumaonensis from Tibet was a misidentification of J. tricarinata, and J. kumaonensis should be recognized as occurring in western Himalaya only. To facilitate future taxonomic studies of the genus Japalura sensu lato in the Himalaya, we provide a detailed description of J. tricarinata and an updated diagnostic key to the genus from the Himalaya.

Japalura major JERDON, 1870

Large Mountain Lizard

JAMDAR, N. (1985): A Note on the Habits and Breeding of the Lizard Japalura major (Jerdon). – J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 82: 420-421.


GAO, Z. (2001): Japalura micangshanensis-a new record of reptile in Sichuan. - Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 21 (1).

GAO, Z.-F. & A.-M. QIN (2000): Japalura micanshanensis. – A new reptile record in Sichuan. – Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 19 (5): 27. (in chinesisch)

LI, S., LI, C. & Y. WANG (2000): Japalura micangshanensis - A new agamid record in Gansu Province. - Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 19 (3): 156.

Japalura ngoclinensis ANANJEVA, ORLOV & NGUYEN 2017

ANANJEVA, N.B., ORLOV, N.L. & T.T. NGUYEN (2017): A new species of Japalura (Agamidae: Lacertilia: Reptilia) from Central Highland, Vietnam. – Asian Herp. Res., 8 (1): 14-21.

New species of the agamid genus Japalura is described based on three specimens from southern part of Central Vietnam. It is distinguished from remaining congeners by the following combination of characters: adult size (SVL females 68–69 mm), tail length/SVL ratio 226%–239%, HW/SVL ratio 17%–18%; FLL/SVL ratio 41%–43%; HLL/SVL ratio 72%–73%; 7–9 supralabials, 7–9 infralabials, 54–56 middorsal scales, 20–22 lamellae under finger IV, 24–26 lamellae under toe IV, 1 scale between nasal and supralabials; tympanum concealed; absence of transverse gular fold. The geographical distribution of Japalura genus in general and of a new species in particular is discussed.

KUNTE, K. & U. MANTHEY (2009): Wiederentdeckung von Japalura sagittifera (Sauria; Agamidae) in Arunachal Pradesh, Ost-Himalaya: Ein Erstnachweis für die indische Herpetofauna. – Sauria, Berlin, 31 (2): 49-55.
Japalura sagittifera SMITH, 1940 wurde vom nördlichen Myanmar beschrieben. Seitdem ist kein neuer Fund bekannt geworden. Die kürzliche Wiederentdeckung im nordöstlichen Indien (Mehao Wildlife Schutzgebiet, Arunachal Pradesh) bedeutet eine erhebliche Erweiterung des Verbreitungsgebietes sowie einen Erstznachweis dieser Art für Insien. Erstmals wird die Lebendföärbung adulter Männchen dokumentiert sowie Angaben zum Biotop und zum Verhalten gemacht. Ergänzende Angaben erfolgen über die Verbreitung der Gattung sowie deren indische Vertreter. Zusätzliche Informationen aller indischen Japalura-Arten wurden tabellarisch zusammengefasst

MAHONY, S. (2009): A new species of Japalura (Reptilia: Agamidae) from northeast India with a discussion of the similar species Japalura sagittifera Smith, 1940 and Japalura planidorsata Jerdon, 1870. – Zootaxa, 22212: 41-61.

Japalura sagittifera SMITH, 1940

Burmese Japalure

KUNTE, K. & U. MANTHEY (2009): Wiederentdeckung von Japalura sagittifera (Sauria; Agamidae) in Arunachal Pradesh, Ost-Himalaya: Ein Erstnachweis für die indische Herpetofauna. – Sauria, Berlin, 31 (2): 49-55.
Japalura sagittifera SMITH, 1940 wurde vom nördlichen Myanmar beschrieben. Seitdem ist kein neuer Fund bekannt geworden. Die kürzliche Wiederentdeckung im nordöstlichen Indien (Mehao Wildlife Schutzgebiet, Arunachal Pradesh) bedeutet eine erhebliche Erweiterung des Verbreitungsgebietes sowie einen Erstznachweis dieser Art für Insien. Erstmals wird die Lebendföärbung adulter Männchen dokumentiert sowie Angaben zum Biotop und zum Verhalten gemacht. Ergänzende Angaben erfolgen über die Verbreitung der Gattung sowie deren indische Vertreter. Zusätzliche Informationen aller indischen Japalura-Arten wurden tabellarisch zusammengefasst

MAHONY, S. (2009): A new species of Japalura (Reptilia: Agamidae) from northeast India with a discussion of the similar species Japalura sagittifera Smith, 1940 and Japalura planidorsata Jerdon, 1870. – Zootaxa, 22212: 41-61.

Japalura tricarinata BLYTH, 1853

Three Keeled Mountain Lizard

GRUBER, U. (1975): Agame Japalura tricarinata aus dem zentralen Nepal-Himalaya. - Das Aquarium, 77: 502-505. (1462)

KÄSTLE, W., SCHLEICH, H.H. & K.B. SHAH (1993): Contributions to the biology of Japalura tricarinata and J. polygonata (Sauria: Agamidae). – J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 90 (2): 223-262.

WANG, K., JIANG, K., DEEPAK, V., HOU, M., CHE, J., & C.D. SILER (2018): On the Occurrences of Japalura kumaonensis and Japalura tricarinata (Reptilia: Sauria: Draconinae) in China. - Herpetologica, 74(2): 181-190.

Although the recognized distribution of Japalura kumaonensis is restricted largely to western Himalaya, a single, isolated outlier population was reported in eastern Himalaya at the China-Nepal border in southeastern Tibet, China in Zhangmu, Nyalam County. Interestingly, subsequent studies have recognized another morphologically similar species, J. tricarinata, from the same locality in Tibet based on photographic evidence only. Despite these reports, no studies have examined the referred specimens for either record to confirm their taxonomic identifications with robust comparisons to congener species. Here, we examine the referred specimen of the record of J. kumaonensis from southeastern Tibet, China; recently collected specimens from the same locality in southeastern Tibet; type specimens; and topotypic specimens of both J. kumaonensis and J. tricarinata, to clarify the taxonomic identity of the focal population from southeastern Tibet, China. Our results indicate that individuals of the referred Tibetan population differ from J. kumaonensis in external morphology, but match descriptions and specimens of J. tricarinata. We conclude that the previous record of J. kumaonensis from Tibet was a misidentification of J. tricarinata, and J. kumaonensis should be recognized as occurring in western Himalaya only. To facilitate future taxonomic studies of the genus Japalura sensu lato in the Himalaya, we provide a detailed description of J. tricarinata and an updated diagnostic key to the genus from the Himalaya.

Japalura variegata GRAY,1853

Variegated Mountain Lizard

GRAY, J.E. (1853): Descriptions of some undescribed species of reptiles collected by Dr. Joseph Hooker in the Khassia Mountains, East Bengal, and Sikkim Himalaya. - Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 12: 386 – 392.

MATHEW, R. (2006): On the occurrence of Japalura variegata Gray (Reptilia: Sauria: Agamidae) in Mizoram, North East India. – Cobra, 64: 14-15.

SHARMA, R.C. (1982): Osteology of the Indian Mountain Lizard Japalura Variegata Gray (Reptilia: Agamidae). - Rec. Zool. Surv. India, 80: 525-549.

GAO, Z.-F. & M. HUO (2002): Description of a new Japalura species from western Sichuan Province, China. – Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 21 (1): 3-5. (in chinesisch)

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