Literatur und Schriften


Hypsicalotes kinabaluensis DE GRIJS,1937

GRIJS, P. de (1937): Eine neue Eidechse aus Nord-Borneo: Calotes kinabaluensis. - Zool. Anz., 117: 136-138.

HALLERMANN, J. (2000): A new species of Calotes from the Moluccas (Indonesia) with notes on the biogeogreaphy of the genus (Sauria: Agamidae). - Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 49 (1-2): 155-163.

INGER, R.F. & M. LAKIM (1998): Rediscovery of the Agamid lizard Calotes kinabaluensis DE GRIJS (Lsacertilia: Agamidae) in Borneo, with notes on habitat. – Herp. Rev., St.Louis, 29 (3): 143-144.

MANTHEY, U. (2012): Hypsicalotes kinabaluensis (DE GRIJS) [Agamidae: Draconinae]. – Sauria, Berlin, 34 (1): 1-2.

MANTHEY, U. & W. DENZER (2019): Seltene Bergagamen des Kinabaluparks (Sabah, Nordborneo) oberhalb von 900 m ü.d.M.) – Sauria, Berlin, 41 (1): 1-12.

MANTHEY, U. & W. DENZER (2000): Description of a new genus, Hypsicalotes gen. Nov. (Sauria: Agamidae) from Mount Kinabalu, north Borneo, with remarks on the generic identity of Gonocephalus schultzewestrumi Urban, 1999. – Hamadryad, 25: 13-20.

OTA, H. & T. HIKIDA (1996): The second specimen of Calotes kinabaluensis DE GRIJS (Squamata:Agamidae) from Sabah, Malaysia, with comments on the taxonomic status of the species. – J. Herp., St. Louis, 30 (2): 288-291.

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