Literatur und Schriften
Long-snouted Lashtail / Long-nosed Water Dragon BAEHR, M. (1976): Beobachtungen zur bipeden Fortbewegung bei der australischen Agame Physignathus longirostris (Boulenger). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A (Biologie), 291: 1-7. GOLDBERG, S.R. & C.R. BURSEY (2012): Intestinal helminths speciesd of endemic Australian lizards, Lophognathus longirostris (Agamidae), Heteronotoa binoei and Lucasium stenodactylum (Gekkonidae), Ctenotus grandis, Ctenotus helenae, Cyclodomorphus branchialis, Regernia depressa, Eremiascincus riochardsonii, Morethia butleri, and Morethia lineoocellatan (Scincidae), with a review of Australian lizard helminths. Comparative Parasitology, 79 (2): 247-268. HAAG, P. (2022): Die Langnasenagame (Gowidon longirostris) im Terrarium eine “redselige” Echse aus Australien. Reptilia, Münster, 27 (4): 58-68. Helminths in endemic Australian lizards of 3 families from Western Australia, Australia, and the Northern Territory, Australia, Lophognathus longirostris (Agamidae), Heteronotia binoei and Lucasium stenodactylum (Gekkonidae), and Ctenotus grandis, Ctenotus helenae, Cyclodomorphus branchialis, Egernia depressa, Eremiascincus richardsonii, Morethia butleri, and Morethia lineoocellata (Scincidae), are reported. Found were 2 species of Cestoda, Cylindrotaenia allisonae and Oochoristica australiensis, and 10 species of Nematodagravid individuals of Cosmocercinae gen. sp., Maxvachonia brygooi, Maxvachonia chabaudi, Moaciria sphenomorphi, Parapharyngodon fitzroyi, Parapharyngodon kartana, Pharyngodon asterostoma, Spauligodon ovifilus, and Wanaristrongylus ctenoti,and third stage larvae of Abbreviata sp. Helminth infections of Australian lizards appear to be opportunistic with negligible host specificity. Sixteen new host records are reported. McKAY, J.L. & R.H. CLARKE (2002): An observation of nest burrow theft in the dragon lizard Gemmatophora longirostris. West. Aust. Nat., 23 (3): 219-221. PIANKA, E.R. (2013): Notes on the ecology and natural history of two uncommon arboreal agamid lizards Diporiphora paraconvergens and Lophognathus longirostris in the Great Victoria desert of Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist, 29: 77-84. SMITH, L.A. (2002): Notes on the eggs and burrows of two species of Dragon Lizards (Lophognathus longirostris and Lophognathus gilberti). West Aust. Nat, 23 (3): 215-217. zurück / back |